Fiscally Responsible

Sound fiscal priorities is what keeps Kent County functioning in a highly effective way for the residents of the County. During my tenure I have stood for balanced budgets, smart prudent borrowing, and limited requests for increases in the tax rate and fees.

Our triple-A Bond rating, a rating, that less than 2% of 3,007 counties in the United States achieve is a ranking that we work hard to maintain. SP Global states, "Kent County reflects the following factors for the County, very strong management, financial policies and practices, budgetary performance and flexibility, liquidity, and strong institutional framework source".

We maintain our credit rating, on behalf of the people and businesses of Kent County. This rating allows the county to borrow money at lower rates, reducing the costs to the average taxpayer and reflects our conservative fiscal policies.

Parks and Recreation Support

What a blessing to live in Grandville and Wyoming. With cCity and County parks in both municipalities, it makes for opportunities to get outside and enjoy your community with friends and families.

Kent County continues to look at ways to enjoy our Parks system and make them accessible to all.  We currently have 38 County Parks and 4 inter-community trails. Our Parks encourage social interaction, access to physical beauty, preservation of open spaces and provide economic benefits to the communities our Parks are located in.

I will always make our Parks system a priority so we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature in Kent County.

Standing with Law Enforcement

Law enforcement in Kent County provides services and safety throughout the County. We partner with communities and government agencies to deliver effected services at reduced costs and better outcomes.

I have full faith in our Sheriff and all that put on the uniform on or wear the badge. Our Sheriff Department is always looking at and challenging themselves to deliver better services and better outcomes of all people. Whether it's partnering with Court officials, jail diversion programs or local community engagement, We have something we can be proud of, in Kent County. 

Pro Abundent Life for all.

I am 100% Pro-life, always have been, always will be. I strongly believe in abundent life in any dimension. 

I define life from conception till the end of life.

I will defend the rights of the unborn and advocate for abundant life for all at any stage in life.

It is a life choice, pro-mother, pro-family, pro-life.